Tag: Recipes

  • Cinnamon Muffin Cake – Recipe

    On January 9 I posted about Muffin Cake. Today I am recreating that process of making muffins (ha ha!) on purpose. 2/3 c. butter, melted 1 c. sugar 2 eggs 2 c. milk 3 c. flour 3 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. salt 1 Tbsp. Cinnamon Sift the dry ingredients together. Set aside. Put the…

  • Chocolate Syrup

    Makes 1 Qt. chocolate syrup (4-cups) 1 1/2 cups Cocoa 2 3/4 cups Rapadura (experiment with more or less, or substitute another sweetener) 1/8 tsp. Sea Salt 2 cups Spring Water (or filtered) 4 tsp. Vanilla (REAL vanilla, not imitation) Combine everything except for the Spring Water and Vanilla into a medium saucepan. Gradually add…

  • Penne Pasta & other dishes

    I had a box of Penne pasta I’d gotten at Costco a long time ago, never used any of it since I like the Capellini pasta with my homemade version of meat sauce often, and didn’t want to add another tomato sauce dish into the mix. (All my life I made meatballs to go with…

  • Older Meal made once again

    Frank let me get a new crock pot last week. I had three, and something went wrong with each one, and the last time I used one was some months ago already. Costco had a certain one in stock, a decent price, but it was fluffy-boo-coo to me. I didn’t want it. It was all…