Hamburger Steaks are ground beef, whichever kind you use, with added ingredients and molded into an oblong flattened shape, about an inch high. They are browned on each side and finish cooking in the oven on a moderate temperature while gravy is made in the same pan as the hamburger steaks were browned in.
Complimenting the hamburger steaks and gravy is a side dish of Basatmi Rice, and green beans. A nice addition to that would be homemade biscuits, dropped or rolled.
Hamburger Steaks
2 lbs. ground meat (chuck, or hamburger, or sirloin)
1 1/2 tsp. Sea Salt
1 med. onion, divided 1/2 diced finely, 1/2 sliced thinly
A pinch of dried thyme
2 tsp. Granulated Garlic
1 egg
1 cup bread crumbs
1/2 cup milk

Mix all ingredients together well (except for the thinly sliced onion, reserve that for the gravy instructions.) Form into patties that are oblong and about an inch high, sized for an individual portion. You should be able to get 6 to 9 of these from this recipe.

Brown the first side of the hamburger steaks in a large frying pan with a bit of Olive Oil over medium heat. Carefully flip each steak to brown the other side. Remove from pan onto an oven safe casserole dish. Brown the remaining steaks, and put the casserole dish into a 350 degree oven for at least 30 mins.


In the same frying pan, without cleaning it out, add some oil and the thinly sliced onion, cooking on a medium heat until translucent. Add 4 tablespoons of flour to the onion/oil and enough extra oil or butter to make a nice rouge (paste) –stir it until well blended and allow to come to a slight bubbling state.
Once the rouge is ready, add some beef base (a tablespoon or two) and 3 to 4 cups of water, or use beef stock. Stir well until the flour is absorbed into the liquid. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring frequently, as it thickens (full thickening will happen when it boils.)
When the gravy is as thick as it can get, add a little more liquid at a time, stirring well, until you get the texture thick/thinness that you wish. Taste, and adjust flavorings with Sea Salt and any other beef friendly flavours you favour.
When the gravy is done, the hamburger steaks may be added to the pan of gravy on a low temperature.
Make rice to accompany the meal.

Basmati Rice – 2 cups, Water or Stock 4 cups, 1 tsp. salt.
I prefer to melt a couple tablespoons of butter in a pan, pour the dry rice into the pan and stir around over a medium heat until rice changes to an opaque white. Add the salt and water or stock. Stir well. Over a medium-high heat allow to come to a boil. Stir once more, and place a lid over the pot and turn the heat down to a medium-low setting for 20 minutes. At the end of 20 minutes do not remove the lid. Leave the pot sitting on the burner until you serve the dinner. Sometimes it’s useful to start the rice at the beginning of the meal preparation. Sitting after cooking tempers it nicely. Leave it on a very low temperature burner until ready to serve. This makes it absolutely done for sure.

Green Beans

Cook green beans, fresh or frozen, which ever variety and cut you prefer. I like true French Green Beans, not french-cut. These are petite beans, long and skinny and very tender and yummy.
When green beans are done, I like to melt some butter and toss them in the butter with some Sea Salt, until nicely coated.
Serve the Hamburger Steaks on a platter with the gravy in a separate bowl or gravy boat, rice in a serving dish, fluffed with a fork, and green beans in a serving dish too. If you have bread to serve, use a kitchen towel in a basket to keep the bread warm.