Fresh Tomato and Onion Salsa

2 cups freshly diced tomatoes, seeded

1 medium sweet onion, finely diced

8-10 cloves garlic, peeled and finely diced

1 Teaspoon dried oregano

2 Lemons, juiced

2 Tablespoons Sea Salt

1/4 cup spring water


Combine everything but the water in a bowl, mix together well. Pack the tomato-onion mix into a Quart jar, then add the water, adding more to cover the tomato-onion if necessary.

Tomato-Onion Salsa
Tomato-Onion Salsa

Cover tightly and leave at room temperature for 48 hours. Store in refrigerator after that.

Good with corn chips, on taco’s, or anything else you can imagine.


This recipe was adapted by me from Page 103  “Salsa” of Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon